2. UNIQLO Vietnam Customer Center

How can we assist you?

Manage Your Online Order

Click on the options below for delivery or exchange/return support for your online order.

HOW TO TRACK MY ORDER Home Delivery: Your tracking number will be provided via automated email once your order has been handed to delivery company (within 24 hours after ordered successfully)
Click & Collect: You will receive 01 notification email with QR code to receive the parcel when the order is available at selected store.
HOW TO EXCHANGE/RETURN If you are not satisfied with your item, we accept product exchange/return for online orders.
Click HOW TO EXCHANGE/RETURN ONLINE ITEMS to refer our policy and instruction.
REFUND FOR ONLINE ORDERS *This is only applied for Online orders with successful returned items.
BULK ORDER Place bulk order at UNIQLO to enjoy special discount and offers!

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